2015 IBSA Goalball European Championships Men & Women A, being organized by Lithuanian Blind Sports Federation, receives the top level governmental encouragement. Lithuanian Paralympic Commitee‘s representative says that considering the whole context of Paralympic team sports, this is the first time when Lithuania is organizing the top league European championships.
„Until now we had „C“ division wheelchair basketball European championships and some non-paralympic team sports championships. IBSA European Goalball Championships will be the last voucher for goalball teams to qualify for Rio de Janeiro Paralympic Games. That is why IBSA European Goalball Championships in Kaunas is twice as important for us“, – Gintaras Zavadckis, General Secretary of the Lithuanian Paralympic Commitee declared.
IBSA European Goalball Championships will take place on 5-12 of July, 2015 in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Participating mens‘ teams: Lithuania, Spain, Turkey, Germany, Czech Republic, Finland, Belgium, Slovenia, Sweden and Ukraine.
Womens‘ teams: Russia, Turkey, Israel, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Greece.
Linas Balsys, President of the Lithuanian Blind Sports Federation, says that organizers are expecting approximately 260 participants from 14 countries.
For more information please contact: Linas Balsys, President of the Lithuanian Blind Sports Federation, tel. +370 670 80735, lbsf@lass.lt